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Kesher Zion Sisterhood


Mission Statement: "To strengthen and unite the women of the synagogue, support the congregation, its youth and religious school; understand and perpetuate conservative Judaism in the home, synagogue and community, and reinforce bonds with Israel and Jews worldwide."


Dues ($18.00 per year) are collected August through October of each year, and members receive invitations and notices via fliers and e-mails.  Sisterhood is always open to new programs.


Our yearly fundraisers include the High Holiday Memorial Book, Leagrams (both birthday and anniversary, and High Holiday) and floral fund.  Sisterhood’s budget supports the synagogue and Hebrew school, the flowers on the bimah for special occasions, any needed tablecloth laundry, and the gift and wine shops.



Sisterhood Leagrams: Sisterhood Leagrams: For only $.75, send Leagrams to your fellow congregants in honor of their birthdays or anniversaries!  Order Leagrams at least two weeks prior to the month of the birthday or anniversary you wish to honor.  Leagram lists are mailed to Sisterhood members 3 times per year.  Contact the office if you have not received your lists. For more information, please contact the main office at 610-374-1763 or email

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