Kesher Zion Sisterhood Judaica Gift and Kosher Wine Shop
Judaica Gifts
Our shop has a selection of Judaica including giftware, books, jewelry, and ritual items.
We also feature the Judaica needed to celebrate the holidays- Rosh Hashanah, Purim, and especially Chanukah & Passover.
For Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and weddings, a Tallit and imprinted Kippot may be ordered.
Selections can be seen in the glass display cabinet in the KZ office.

Kosher Wine Selection
Carmel and Kedem Sweet Red Wines
Red, Rose, and White Dinner Wines by Barkan, Baron Herzog, Yarden, Gilgal, and Zuffini
Sparkling wines by Baron Herzog
Brandies and Liquors

Kesher Zion's Gift Shop is stocked for all your Passover Seder needs! We have seder plates, matzah plates, and lots of Passover wine. Consider purchasing from our updated inventory.

Please contact Solange Mintz at or the main KZ Office for more information.